navigator appname netscape chrome

Why does navigator.appName return "Netscape" for Safari, Firefox and Chrome? What do they have to do with the old browser Netscape? Could it be because of DOM0? ... but do you ever thought that sometimes we aren't looking for features, but j

相關軟體 Netscape 下載

Netscape Navigator 網路瀏覽器 建構在Firefox2.0上的獨立型瀏覽器。 自動修正網址輸入錯誤的功能。 ...

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  • 2016年10月3日 - 我的firefox chrome opera 运行navigator.appName"Netscape"navigator.appC...
    为何navigator.appName的值都是netscape? - xzavier的回答 ...
  • Why does navigator.appName return "Netscape" for Safari, Firefox and Chrome? Wha...
    html - Why does JavaScript navigator.appName return Netscape for Safari, Firefox and Chrom...
  • The reason behind this is, the mother of all reasons, compatibility. Back then in the dark...
    Why the javascript navigator.appName returns netscape for Safari, Firefox and chrome? - Qu...
  • Best Answer: It's Chrome's way of describing its compliance model, as in, "tr...
    "navigator.appName" in Google Chrome (with javascript) is "Netscape"? ...
  • IE11, Firefox, Chrome and Safari returns "Netscape" IE 10 and earlier versions r...
    Navigator appName Property - W3Schools Online Web Tutorials
  • The `navigator.appName` property is basically meaningless – it's deprecated in the HTM...
    Why is JavaScript navigator.appName showing Chrome for the new Microsoft Edge browser? - Q...
  • navigator.appName IE 傳回 Microsoft Internet Explorer, IE11 傳回 Netscape Firefox, Safari, Chr...
    navigator.appName 瀏覽器偵測 - JavaScript
  • The NavigatorID.appName property returns the name of the browser. The HTML5 specification ...
    NavigatorID.appName - Web APIs | MDN - Mozilla Developer Network
  • What values are returned for navigator.appName values for all common browsers? The navigat...
    (Javascript) List of "navigator.appName" values for all browsers? - Stack Overfl...
  • 3. JavaScript Visitors Browser Detection Code Snippet 4. Netscape is the ‘navigator.appNam...
    Netscape is the ‘navigator.appName’ for Google Chrome - Developer Snippets
  • Property values Type: String Microsoft Internet Explorer Returned by Internet Explorer 10 ...
    appName property (Internet Explorer)
  • 2013年1月29日 - UPDATE 1: According to Compatibility Changes; IE11 now also returns "Ne...
    Why does JavaScript navigator.appName return Netscape for Safari ...
  • 2013年4月12日 - You can change the useragent from the google chrome inspector tools. ... Now...
    Is it possible to change navigator.appname in google chrome?
  • appName 瀏覽器的正式名稱. navigator.appName IE 傳回Microsoft Internet Explorer, IE11 傳回Netscape. Fir...
    navigator.appName 瀏覽器偵測- JavaScript - 漢頡網棧
  • The appName property returns the name of the browser. ... navigator.appName ... IE11, Fire...
    Navigator appName Property - W3Schools
  • The reason behind this is, the mother of all reasons, compatibility. Back then in the dark...
    Why the javascript navigator.appName returns netscape for Safari ...
  • The `navigator.appName` property is basically meaningless – it's deprecated in the HTM...
    Why is JavaScript navigator.appName showing Chrome for the new ...
  • 2016年12月2日 - appName property returns the name of the browser. ... any browser to return ...
    NavigatorID.appName - Web APIs - MDN - Mozilla
  • 2012年8月24日 - 为什么Chrome 中navigator.appName 是netscape ? 虽然一般不用这个方法判断 ... 兼容性吧,就像IE中的navigat...
    为什么Chrome 中navigator.appName 是netscape ? - 知乎
  • 2016年10月3日 - 我的firefox chrome opera 运行navigator.appName"Netscape"navigator.appC...
    为何navigator.appName的值都是netscape? - xzavier的回答 ...
  • Why does navigator.appName return "Netscape" for Safari, Firefox and Chrome? Wha...
    html - Why does JavaScript navigator.appName return Netscape for Safari, Firefox and Chrom...